Trading out of what you used to know

Maarja’s Määrli
6 min readMay 1, 2020

As a commodities trader I have been of course following the oil prices having crashed 75% this year, oil storage shortages while producers keep stalling the reduction of their output (no-one wants to be the first brave one, in case it will benefit the others in the form of a surge in prices), the global fuel demand having plunged 30%, Asia (China, India, Korea, Japan) as the largest global importer drastically reducing its LNG demand, vessels piling up on the shores of Europe as not finding a home for the cargo, the main national power producer in France indebted and generally energy prices being all time lows (as an example front month French and Dutch gas prices were trading below the U.S. Henry Hub prices, which literally has never happened before). All of that however is just one side of the whole story of positions. Bare with me.

Now the other side of the rainbow is the human, slightly more philosophical side of which position we end up taking in this current environment. It really is all up to ourselves to clear old ones that were showing “a good hand” in the past, to be able to look for new opportunities. Now what I am trying to say here is that the cool thing about changes is that they freshen you up big time! ..and that is exactement what the current past months have reminded me of. Change is always for the better! Even if through difficulties and rough patches, innovation drives us being the best version of ourselves. That being said, drawing parallels between completely seemingly different worlds (like trading floors and the joy of living life itself) is a bit my thing. Stay tuned for more to come on this blog and not just trading related. I also switch here and there between languages / expressions / palabras, just because occasionally I personally prefer one to the other, no huge theory behind it, more like a feeling). But here we go: take a moment to think about whenever else, if not now, will there be a better time to build an entirely new portfolio in our habits and simply life itself?

…will there be a better time to build an entirely new portfolio in our habits and simply life itself?

Recently having discussed this with a friend of mine, we both were able to admit that during the Covid-19 situation, we have not been talking (of course with the proper digital means) to that many of our friends since forever. Or well, mejor dicho probably since school or university — the times when everything was more chilled in a way and your life turns slightly slower. Now, the current scenario we are at, has been sort of a game changer, don’t you think? We finally catch up with people again and we are out of our familiar daily flow of being busy, lacking time. Every day a bit different, but somehow every day almost the same, we end up in a certain type of our own world aka life. Knowing what you will wake up to tomorrow and what you will be doing. Don’t get me wrong! is a good thing! We need to stick to something to ground ourselves and know who we are. Yet, what if every once in a while we need to snap out of it?! Like now! Get out of the safe and try be slightly new and better?! So here comes my theory: time gives us room for improvement. As it appears, we do have more time now. Why not then take a minute and feel what we could spend more quality time on? Discovering a new normal within the extra energy that has been additionally given to us. Spoiler alert: it feels kinda amazing.

Next step: where do we start? I was just yesterday reminded of how my friends once told me “Maarja, you are a life artist”. The reason I loved it so much and remembered it so well, was me since forever having had an admiration for creativity and that is what to me the phrase symbolised. It can be creativity in a sense of Van Gogh type paintings or Banksy type rebellious arts, it might be a singer-songwriter doing stuff at home into her or his own drawer, maybe just handcrafting birthday cards, cooking something new for oneself or perhaps one or two of us deciding to leave behind everything to be a bucket-list-family traveling all the ins and outs of the world. Creativity can be in everything you do, as long as you put a touch of soul into it. Here we are: a great beginning point — get creative! I feel like feeding the tiger of imagination and intuition in you, fills you up with ideas where to head to and what in your life needs a little bit of fluffing out. Be refreshed. Whatever might work for you and draws up a sparkle in your eyes, will not leave you astray, but guide you further, as long as you get on it.

I feel like feeding the tiger of imagination and intuition in you, fills you up with ideas where to head to and what in your life needs a little bit of fluffing out..

Oh and be bold to explore, experiment, express and act spontaneously to feed mostly that tiger in you, which you prefer to be leading the pack. As trust me, there are always pequeños trucos involved in the path of becoming a creator of yourself . Overcoming milestones and occasional obstacles. Let me give you this personal latest example: I found out that I have stagefright. Ha! Being a hobby-singer and being in a musical group, it turned out I get crazily nervous in front of people when being in the center of attention and having to sing. Like literally hands get sweaty, feet are not grounded anymore and this shaky feeling comes all over me. Up until now, I had not even thought about something as that really existing or if, then perhaps in movies. Yet then here I have it.. Me, who has had to endure huge amounts of stress at work, making decisions in seconds and is a former skydiver.. none of these things scare me really, but singing in front of people gets to me. It is not even the fact that I doubt my skills — I have had quite extensive hours of coaching by now. Also, I do not by far consider this a tragedy, but rather mega interesting. The fear of whether I am or will be able to do this, might just be the one thing motivating me the most, reminding myself that the freedom to be creative comes with a price.

Coming to my own creativity path, I am in fact looking right at it in a way. Starting to be a hobby Schriftsteller. Over time I have had several friends indicating me to try it out. Whether it was my long texts getting too annoying for them or they having seen my passion for noticing and describing details... I have not done a poll on that. (Ah yes, before I forget, please remember that I love loove looove humouring and therefore here and there in what I say should be taken with a seasoning of easy peasy and light fun: for example me getting to be annoying to anyone…? Would not ever happen in reality!). Back to creativity, I do know that reading and writing something that is useful for myself, has for as long as I can remember brought a smile on my face. It also makes me content, when someone shares my ideas, remembers a little line of what I have said or even wants to disagree and constructively argue with me. I feel like in a way all that lead me to this day. The first time when I gave a finger to start writing not only to my friends. No idea where it will lead me or if I will root for something else in the middle of it, when life has other plans, but the mere essential factor in all of this is, to get on the way and see what happens. Give way to creativity and go with the flow. That being said, I think I will go long imagination, balancing the position daily with real-life activity.

…but the mere essential factor in all of this is, to get on the way and see what happens. Give way to creativity and go with the flow.

Full steam LNG vessel ahead for new opportunities. Just a fun fact: those babies have also swimming pools inside them for the crew.



Maarja’s Määrli

Pursuing the art of life itself and writing it down here&there. A traveler, sporty soul, hobby singer, LNG trader & very mucho into languages. Home in 🇨🇭